Bernard Werber delivers his “Memoirs of an Ant”

Bernard Werber delivers his “Memoirs of an Ant”

Albin Michel editions are lucky: in addition to being highly productive, their three greatest writers – Amélie Nothomb, Eric Emmanuel Schmitt and Bernard Werber – are bigger-than-life people.

Amélie Nothomb has no cell phone, no e-mail adress, but knows personnaly almost all her readers, and spends her life with a Champagne flute in her hand. Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt had a seminal experience, recounted in “La nuit de feu” (read our article) and Bernard Werber… well, until then, little was known about the Toulousain’s past, apart from the fact that he was a science journalist at “Le Nouvel Observateur”.

This book is dedicated to the ant because it was to this animal that Werber described in the novel that allowed him to start writing… and the encounter with Albin Michel publishing house wasn’t as easy as one might think. But page after page, we discover that Werber has an XXL lucky star above him.

Through the arcanes of the Tarot de Marseille, Werber tells his story, with all its ups and downs, and it’s fascinating from start to finish. But he doesn’t stop there: here and there, he distils advice on how to work on your creativity. If you’ve already read Julia Cameron or Elisabeth Gilbert (read our article), these “Mémoires d’une fourmi” (“Memoirs of an Ant”) can only add to what these books already taught you. And make you want to (re)immerse yourself in the plethoric works of Bernard Werber.


Bernard Werber “Mémoires d’une fourmi”, Paris, Le Livre de Poche

Jean-Marc Grosdemouge